Jai Hind everyone
Continuing the SU 30MKI article we will be exploring FLAPERONS

This concept is not new To be honest
This concept is visible in Transportation type aircrafts as well 

The FLAPERONS are a type of control surfaces which combines the function of Ailerons and Flaps

Now let's Understand Ailerons and Flaps 

Ailerons are control surfaces used to induce Rolling/Banking movement in the aircraft Ailerons work on the principle of "Difference of Lift between the two surfaces"

For example
If the aircraft banks Left then the left Aileron Goes up and the Right Aileron Goes Down
This movement Generates Higher Lift on the Right side of the aircraft due to high pressure area Develop at the right side of the aircraft Thus Banking the aircraft left and Vice Versa 

Flaps are control surfaces which increases the Camber/Surface area of the aircraft 
This increased Surface area Gives more lift due to this Flaps are used During Short take offs and Landings Due to fact that Flaps provide lift at low speeds

Combining both the surfaces together we Get FLAPERONS which when work Together Function as Flaps and work out of Unison to Function as Ailerons

Author - Aryan Jaiswal 

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