Hello readers, In this article I will introduce you to Types Of Fighter Jets. Nowadays fighter jets play a crucial role in the war. Fighter Jets are fixed-wing military aircraft designed for aerial combat. The role of the fighter jet is to maintain air superiority on the battlefield & domination above the battlefield. 

Multirole Fighter

          A multi-role fighter is a combat aircraft to perform various roles in combat. A multirole fighter can perform aerial reconnaissance, forward air control, and attack missions including the subtypes of air interdiction, suppression of enemy air defense & close air support. A multirole has been applied for two major roles, a primary role Air-To-Air combat & a secondary role of Air-To-Surface combat. It can carry bombs, missiles, and other supporting pods. Good examples of it are Su30mki and F/A18 Hornet.

                          F/A- 18 Super Hornet   



          An interceptor aircraft is a type of fighter designed for the defensive interception role against an attacking enemy aircraft. There are two subtypes of the interceptor, First is a Light Fighter for high performance over a short range at a low cost of operation, & second is a Heavy Fighter to operate over a long range in contested airspace at a high cost of operation with extra weapons. An interceptor is the integration of Mid-Air-Refueling, On-Board-Radar & Beyond-Visual-Range missiles. Good examples of it are Grumman F-14-Tomcat and Mig-21 

                        Grumman F-14-Tomcat



         A bomber is a type of combat aircraft designed to ground attack & long-range targets by dropping Air-To-Ground weaponry such as bombs, launching torpedoes, or deploying Air-Launched cruise missiles. There are two major types of bombers, First strategic & second tactical. Strategic bombing is done by heavy bombers for long range at a high cost of maintenance & Tactical bombing is done by Light bombers for short range at a low cost of maintenance. Good examples of this are 
B-52-Stratofotress & Mirage-2000D

                            Strategic Bomber               

                           Tactical Bomber 

Reconnaissance Fighter

        A reconnaissance aircraft is a type of military aircraft to perform aerial reconnaissance missions of collecting imagery intelligence (Photography) and signal intelligence beyond enemy lines. It is equipped with long-range radar & high resolution of camera. Before the development of radar, military forces on reconnaissance aircraft for visual observation & scouting enemy movements. A good example of this is Mig-25-Foxbat.


Air Superiority fighter

          An air superiority fighter is a type of aircraft to seize control of enemy airspace by establishing tactical dominance over the air force and eliminating any challenge over control of the airspace, some may have a secondary role in Air-To-Surface attacks. Good examples of this are  
F-15-Eagle and F-22-Raptor.



Heavy and Lightweight fighter

          A heavyweight & a lightweight fighter consists of two engines & one engine respectively. Heavy & lightweight can perform multiple roles. Heavyweight jets can carry more weapons than lightweight, But in modern technology lightweight jets can also carry some extra weapons. Heavyweight jet can more fuel than lightweight & payload carrying capacity is also high. Good examples of it are Su-30-mki & HAL  LCA-Tejas.


                              HAL LCA-Tejas 

 Carrier-based aircraft

          Carrier-based aircraft also known as carrier-capable aircraft, are naval aircraft designed for operation from aircraft carriers. These aircraft are capable of takeoff off & Land on short runways and have foldable wings. Some carrier-based aircraft have taken off from the Ski-Jump system and some are from catapult assisted system. And every carrier-based aircraft can land by arresting landing gear. A good example of this is Rafale-M 

                        Rafale-M  landing with
                         arrested landing gear. 

Author - Prasad N. Kumbhar 


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