
As all of us know that USA withdrew its all troops from afganistan on 31 Aug 2021

Now  USA looking forward for airbase in India to carry out Aerial Survelliance and Attacks on terrorists groups.  

In USA congress, Secretary of state Antony Blinken indirectly hinted that Washington has been in talks with New Delhi for using airstrips in India as staging areas for carrying out operations.  

When PM Narendra Modi came in power, India and USA have signed the Logistick Exchange Memorandum of Agreement ( LEMOA ) in 2016, Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement ( COMCASA ) in 2018 and Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement ( BECA ) in 2020 under which makes India major defence partner of USA.

                                  Indian Policy 

As Indian policy, In 1991 gulf war USA landed their  refueler aircraft for refueling in India, then it made messed up in Indian parliament and it was hot topic in parliament. after this that time Indian Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar revoked permission for USA aircrafts to refuel, beacause their sub alliance party's agression.  India has been using same policy since 1991.

India never used its land in third party country war. 

After signing LEMOA, COMCASA and BECA no such situation came. 

                       Pak, China and Taliban 

If USA makes their airbase in India, then it will have big impact on Chinese agression  against India. and also on Pak. India will gain a lot of new thing from USA. but If Taliban and terrorists group get hurt, they will try to infiltrate terrorists in Kashmir Vally and terrorists activities will increase in India.

and the presence of USA in India wil make China and Russia uncomfortable. 

So, let's see how Indian govt. will react on it. 

Whats your opinion about it ? 

Comment below 

Author - Prasad N Kumbhar 



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