
In 2016, Australia was looking for new modern subs. As it has only 2 subs in the Navy.  Australia approached to Naval Group ( France company ) for subs, NG showed Aust. all subs. This deal was of almost $90 Australian dollars for 8 to 12 subs. It was biggest deal for NG. NG said to Aust. that they will deliver subs by 2030 or 2032, Aust. wasn't comfortable with delivery time of subs. For Aust. orders NG cancelled their other small order.

Formation of AUKUS  

Just recentaly, USA, UK and Aust. formed new Tri-Lateral pact named AUKUS and

 signed deal of almost $66 dollars for Aust. Navy subs. Aust. will get 8 nuclear powered subs. USA and UK formed this group against China and to strenthen Aust. in the Indo-Pacific

France and India 

As France lost huge order in Indo-Pacific, It will make more strong ties between France and India

France condemned in hard words that it was like ''Stab in the back''  

Arised Questions 

Why USA didn't make this pact in QUAD ? 

Why USA didn't include New Zealand ?

Was it pact to counter weight Indian Navy ?

So, Lets's see how all govt. will react on it.

Comment below your opinon 

Author - Prasad N Kumbhar 




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